WELCOME TO MUMBAI UNIVERSITY – with 100% guaranteed 03-06 months Internship in Top Companies
Provide students with a comprehensive understanding of advertising communication, and design principles, theories, and practices, enabling them to develop effective strategies and campaigns.
Equip students with technical proficiency in graphic design, digital media, multimedia production copywriting. and other relevant tools and technologies essential for the industry.
Encourage interdisciplinary collaboration by integrating elements of advertising communication, and design, preparing students to work across diverse sectors ond industries.
Foster students creativity and innovation through hands-on projects, workshops, and real-world experiences allowing them to conceptualise and execute competing advertising ond communication materials.
Cultivate critical thinking and analytical skills to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and communication capaigns identify market trends, and adapt strategies accordingly
Instil a sense of ethical and social responsbility in students, emphasising the importance of honesty, integrity, and culturol sensitivity in advertising and comnwnicotion practices.
H.S.C. or Equivalent Examination (Any Faculty) With Minimum 45% Marks Admissions On The Basis Of Entrance Test & Interview. The objective of admission tests and personal interview is to assess the candidate’s aptitude & suitability for the profession. Sclectcd candidates have to produce original copies of HSC/graduate degree certificates along with the certificates of birth date, school eoving/ transference certificate before paying fees.